1. Farm Attack/Assault/Robbery, Weltevrede Koppies, Orange Free State


11:18 Assault Robbery Receive a distress call from Miss M. Nagel that Mrs. Marie vd Berg residing at Plot 94, Weltevrede Koppies 9540. 11:23 Reaction Upon arrival members of Koppies Landelike Beveiliging where already on scene and I, Theuns Botha from the National Crime Assist, were task to closed the road leading access to the premises.
We were informed that Koppies SAPS was already contacted and we comply awaiting SAPS. 12:15 SAPS took over and scene was handed to Koppies SAPS 11: 25 Patrollers CPF Junior Station commander Sechaba Nkatlo and assistant’s where informed off the description of the suspect. 13:03 Patrollers Patrollers informed me that they were talking to guys under the train bridge and that they following information. 13:11 Suspect Sector 3 leader Johan Renison joined the NCA while patrolling the town we saw a black male person sitting on the pavement at Dr. Meisie Partice in Station street, Koppies, that fits the description given by the complainant. Information where passed on and Koppies CID responded. The suspect was taken into custody by Koppies CID and where taken to the complainant who positively identified the suspect. 14:08 Standing off Standing off and return home.

Information where passed on and Koppies CID responded.

The suspect was taken into custody by Koppies CID and where taken to the complainant who positively identified the suspect.

Thank you to all parties that responded.

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