INCIDENT REPORT: National Crime Assist
Date: 2023/09/26
Time of call: 07:40
Time Scene Cleared: 12:50
Call type: Cave-in
Location: Shaft 9, West Village
Description of scene: While attempting to apprehend illegal Miners an illegal mine wall collapsed trapping illegal miner/s. Due to the instability of the terrein, the search & possible rescue was called off at 12:50 so as to not endanger the services further on scene
Resoures or Services on scene:
National Crime Assist
West Rand District Fire Department – Krugersdorp Fire Starion, St 38, Mogale City
Number of patients and priority: unknown
Number of Fatal injuries on Scene: unknown
Number of vehicles Involved: 0
Challanges: Dangerous Area
General: All services responded quickly and worked well together.