2. Burglary Parkhill, Durban, KwaZulu-Natal



A burglary took place, Parkhill, Durban North. One suspect with a white shirt and a blue backpack forced entry into a property and stole an i-phone. Sight on the suspect was lost. The owners did not open a case.


NCA KZN Response
Marchall Security
Rosehill Neighborhood Watch


A burglary took place, Parkhill, Durban North. One suspect with a white shirt and a blue backpack forced entry into a property and stole an i-phone. Sight on the suspect was lost. The owners did not open a case with SAPS. No further


NCA KZN Response
Marchall Security
Rosehill Neighborhood Watch

We would like to extend this message to all. Please send this message through to all local communities, whether it be CPF, Farm watches, Neighborhood watches and other Security entities, that it is a very big importance that a case is opened! The case needs to be opened by the owner of the property so that there is a record of this person that has been apprehended. Even though there is nothing that we can really charge this person with as he was not found with any stolen property, however his details on file, so if he does go into the area and causes another scenario where he gets caught, there’s a paper trail for different scenarios an attempts that this person has done to break the law. This gives authorities legal backing to fall back if the person is caught again. This is being PRO-ACTIVE regarding the fight against crime. The law needs to take its course if someone over steps the boundaries of the law. It also makes the hard work and effort from crime fighters worth the while. The correct procedures need to be in place that we can be of to best assistance on fighting crime!

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