2. Theft case, Empangeni, KwaZulu-Natal

13 April 2022
03:30 – 04:00

On 12 April during the day (time unknown) a suspect entered the yard of resident at Bryden Road. The alarm went off and his neighbor and the guys working at his house chased the suspect. On 13 April 2022, Between 03h30 and 04h00 a suspect (unconfirmed whether the same or not) entered the same yard at Bryden and gained access through the garage. The resident then chased him away, where he ran through the gulley, across Gemini Drive into the greenbelt.
Whilst checking the gulley from the road, a NCA KZN Response Member engaged with the resident from Bryden Road and Gemini Drive; at Gemini Drive also had a toolbox and other stuff stolen on Monday morning (time unconfirmed).


Everybody involved

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