20. Possession of suspected stolen goods, Johannesburg Road, Gauteng

GP Reaction NCA

  1. 🚨Incident Report🚨

Reported by: V33


At about 01:50, I made my way to Arconpark for patrol.

I was driving into Lee Street were I saw a male close to green power bo.

I asked V7 to come and assist me, we talked to the guy about where he got the metals from, he then said he got it from a garage.

We then left and drove around Arconpark.

A little later V7 called me for noticing movement in the field close to Checkers robot.

We went there only to find the same suspect and another male.

We checked around and found even more metals and airvent structures.

We told this guy that we think it came from the Covid Hospital right next to Kopanong Hospital.

He said no and stated that he picked it up in the field I decided to go to the Hospital and asked the Guard just to come and identify the metals which he did, and confirmed that it came from the Covid Hospital.

The goods with the suspect was handed over to xxxxx the Security on duty.

We left the suspect unharmed and proceded with our duties.


1. V23
2. V7
3.Hospital Security

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