9. Suicide Incident, Gauteng

Suicide Incident, 03/25/2021

UV71, ML1 & TinTin received via our Centurion Ops Group for urgent assistance at a specified address not stating what the challenge was at the time. Medical and SAPS were called for at the same time along with any Security companies in the area, the call came through at 14:24. UV71, ML1 and TinTin arrived at 14:35. Various security companies were on scene already upon arrival. Update was given that the person is P4 and possible suicide, GSW to the head, awaiting medical to declare that the person has passed away and issue death a certificate. NCA members immediately blocked off the area where the body was and secured the entrance to the premises not allowing anyone in or out at the time until SAPS arrived. Trauma and Chaplin services were immediately called upon to assist the family members and friends who were on the premises at the time. Chaplin services and Trauma services arrived shortly after the call was logged as they were contacted by one of the security companies. Netcare 911 arrived at 14:40 to declare the person P4. SAPS arrived at 15:07 along with a Detective and a Forensic team. LCRC arrived at 15:37. UV71, ML1 & TinTin updated the Ops group and stood down.

Resources that assisted:
NCA Members, ML1, UV71 & TinTin
SAPS Wierdabridge
Exxon Security
Chaplin Services
Trauma Services
CPF Sector 2 members

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