Die noodsaaklikheid van Statistieke/The importance of Statistics

Waarom is Statistieke of rekord houding van misdaad belangrik?

Wanneer daar gekyk word na Modus Operandies in soortgelyke sake kan sake moontlik met mekaar geskakel word. Mense kan ook gewaarsku word om pro-aktief op te tree, bv as daar ‘n spesifieke misdaad in ‘n area plaasvind, kan ekstra waaksaamheid vir daardie betrokke misdaad toegepas word. Patrone kan opgetel word, probleem areas kan geidentifiseer word en dit bevorder pro-aktiewe misdaad bekamping.

Die vergiftiging van honde

Sou verdagtes geidentifiseer word wat honde vergiftig het, kan ‘n saak by die SAPD teen die verdagtes oopgemaak word.
Indien daar nie verdagtes verbind kan word met die vergiftiging nie, dring aan dat die SAPD die vergiftigingsvoorval in die voorvalle boek skryf, die OB, jy vra ook dat hulle dan vir jou ‘n OB nommer gee. Sodat hulle wel kennis dra van dit. Die OB of dan Voorvalle boek word elke dag deur die Stasie Kommisaris deurgelees en afgeteken sodat hy kan sien wat in ‘n betrokke area gebeur en wat is moontlike probleme in die area is.

Deur sake aan te gee en voorvalle in die OB te laat aanteken gaan op die ou end vir almal van waarde wees in die bekamping van misdaad.

Ten slotte: Dis uiters belangrik, ook vir toekomstige misdaad bekamping, dat sake aangemeld en oopgemaak word.

Why are statistics or record keeping of crime important?

When looking at Modus Operandi in similar matters, matters may be linked. People can also be warned to act pro-actively, e.g. if a specific crime occurs in an area, extra vigilance can be applied to that crime in question. Patterns can be picked up, problem areas can be identified and this promotes pro-active crime combat.

The Poisoning of Dogs

Should suspects be identified who have poisoned dogs, a case could be opened at the SAPS against the suspects. If there are no suspects to be linked to the poisoning, insist that the SAPS write the poisoning incident in the incidents book, the OB, you also ask that they then give you an OB number. They know this. The OB or the Incidents book is read through and signed off by the Station Commissioner every day so that he can see what is happening in a particular area and what are possible problems in the area.

By opening cases and having incidents reported in the OB, it will be of value to everyone in combating crime.

Finally: It is extremely important, also for future crime combating, that cases are reported and opened.

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