Misdaad toneel/Crime scene


In meeste van ons is daar ‘n opregte omgee vir ons medemens, ons wil help en bystaan ten tye van nood.

Dit gebeur egter dikwels dat misdaad tonele gekontamineer word, júis deur hierdie opregte omgee mense. Dit word nie doelbewus gedoen nie, maar as gevolg van ‘n gebrek aan kennis. Die klok kan egter nie terug gedraai word om die skade ongedaan te maak nie.

“Die vertroebeling van ‘n misdaad toneel is 90% van ons land se probleem.” – Mike Bolhuis

Daarom is dit nodig om uself te vergewis hoe om ‘n misdaad toneel te bewaar en wat om te doen indien u op ‘n misdaad toneel afkom.

As niemand in nood verkeer by ‘n moontlike misdaadstoneel nie

Byvoorbeeld as u gesteelde goedere in ‘n veld opmerk. Daar is niemand wat in nood verkeer nie. Kan u hulp ontbied en toesien dat niemand na die toneel gaan tot die hulp wat u ontbied, het opdaag.

Wat mense dikwels nie besef nie: Wanneer jou voetspore, DNA of voertuig se spore op ‘n toneel gevind word is jy ‘n verdagte totdat dit anders bewys kan word.

Hoe om hulp te ontbied

NCA lede kan die Namola SOS knoppie druk vir bystand.
Daardeur sal u SAPD en NCA Reaksie gelyktydig in kennis stel om u by te staan en sou daar verdere dienste benodig word is Namola en NCA daar om dit vir u te doen.

As iemand in nood verkeer by ‘n moontlike misdaadstoneel

SLEGS indien u vermoed dat daar iemand in nood verkeer en u deur middel van observasie geen gevaar opmerk nie, kan u met sorg die toneel betree om hulp te verleen aan die persoon/persone wat in nood verkeer.

Maak seker watter roete u neem om ondersoek in te stel, neem ‘n video of fotos om aan SAPD te oorhandig om u toetrede daardeur te dokumenteer. GEEN FOTOS VAN ‘N MISDAAD TONEEL MAG OP SOSIALE MEDIA GEDEEL WORD, SONDER DIE TOESTEMMING VAN DIE SAPD SE ONDERSOEK BEAMPTE NIE!

Indien daar ‘n tweede persoon saam met u inbeweeg, moet die tweede persoon in die eerste persoon se spore volg. Sien toe dat nooddiens personeel ook hierdie roete volg. Indien moontlik is dit beter as die tweede persoon eerder verhinder dat verdere persone die toneel betree en ook sorg dat, sou ander voertuie op toneel arriveer, dat hulle ver genoeg van die toneel af stop. Dat hulle ordelik parkeer en nie die pad versper nie, sodat Nooddienste en SAPD by die toneel kan kom.

Sodra u die persoon wat hulp benodig bereik het, kan u daardie persoon bystaan tot Nooddienste arriveer.
U gee die nodige inligting van die situasie deur aan Nooddienste en ‘n breedvoerige verklaring aan SAPD sowel as die video of fotos wat u gedokumenteer het. U gee as te ware die toneel oor aan die SAPD.

Ons doen ‘n ernstige beroep op u elkeen om ‘n misdaad toneel met die nodige kennis en erns te betree. Sal jy met jouself kan saamleef as jou kontaminasie van ‘n misdaadstoneel veroorsaak dat ‘n aanvaller nie vervolg kan word nie? Sal jy bereid wees om dit aan die slagoffer te verduidelik?


In most of us, there is a genuine caring for our fellow human beings, wanting to help and assist people in times of need.

However, it often happens that crime scenes are contaminated by these sincere caring people. This is not done on purpose, but because of a lack of knowledge. However, the clock cannot be turned back to undo the damage.

“The contamination of a crime scene is 90% of our nation’s problem.” – Mike Bolhuis

Therefore, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with how to preserve a crime scene and what to do if you come upon a crime scene.

If no one is in distress at a possible crime scene

For example, if you notice stolen goods in a field. There is no one in distress. You can call for help and ensure that no one goes to the scene untill the help you despatched has arrived.

Wat people often don’t realize: When your footprints, DNA or vehicle’s tracks are found at a scene you are a suspect until it can be proven otherwise

How to Call for Help

NCA members can press the Namola SOS button for assistance. In doing so, you will simultaneously notify SAPS and NCA Response to assist you and should further services be required, Namola and NCA will be there to dispatch for you.

If someone is in distress at a possible crime scene

ONLY if you suspect that there is someone in distress at the scene and you notice no danger by observation can you carefully enter the scene to assist the person/persons in need. Make sure which route you take to investigate, take a video or photos, to hand over to SAPS, to document your entry thereby. NO PHOTOS OF A CRIME SCENE MAY BE SHARED ON SOCIAL MEDIA, WITHOUT THE PERMISSION OF THE SAPS INVESTIGATING OFFICER!

If a second person moves in with you, the second person must follow in the first person’s footsteps. See to it that emergency service personnel also follow this route. If possible, it is better if the second person rather stays put and prevent others from entering the scene. He/she may also ensure that vehicles park far enough from the scene. That they park orderly and do not block the road. Emergency Services and SAPS need to have access to get close to the scene.

Once you have reached the person in need of assistance, you can assist that person until Emergency Services arrive. You’ll then pass on the necessary information of the situation to Emergency Services and a detailed statement to SAPS as well as the video or photos you have documented. You actually handover the crime scene to the SAPS.

We urge you all to enter a crime scene with the necessary knowledge and caution. Would you be able to live with yourself if your contamination of a crime scene caused an attacker not to be prosecuted? Would you be willing to explain this to the victim?

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